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INFORMATION : The Interreg-project BRIDGE - Developing cooperative and cross-border study programs in the Greater Region ends on 31.12.2022.

We would like to thank all our partners for their support in implementing the project over the past three years!

You can find an overview of the different results of the project here. If you have further questions, you can find the various contact persons for the BRIDGE project at the participating universities here.


Enabling cross-border, practice-integrating studies in the Greater Region - that is the goal of BRIDGE. In doing so, we are analysing the legal and organisational framework to meet the demand for interculturally trained and mobile workers who can move across borders. Since graduates gain access to a cross-border labour market, they will increase their chances of finding a job.

htw saar
Hochschule Trier
Trier University of Applied Sciences
Haute École Robert Schumann
Université de Lorraine
Institut Supérieur de l'Entreprise et de ses Techniques
Haute Ecole de la Province de Liège

Operational partners

Five universities of the Greater Region are working together on the project. These are the University of Applied Sciences htw saar, Trier University of Applied Sciences, the University of Applied Sciences Robert Schuman, the University of Lorraine and Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège.
ISEETECH supports the universities with its expertise.


Abschluss von BRIDGE

Im Zeitraum von drei Jahren (01.01.2020 bis 31.12.2022) arbeiteten fünf Hochschulen der Großregion (Hochschule Trier, Université de Lorraine, Haute École Robert Schumann, Haute École de la Province de Liège sowie die htw saar) im Projekt BRIDGE- grenzüberschreitend und kooperativ Studieren in der Großregion zusammen.

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Coordinators are there to help !

Im Kontext des grenzüberschreitenden dualen Studiums wollten wir die Rolle des Koordinators hervorheben. Dies ist die Person, die Sie bei Ihrer Ansprache begleiten kann, wenn Sie dies wünschen. In dieser Animation spricht er Sie direkt an,

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